
In the beautiful province of Nangarhar, Afghanistan, a transformative training program was conducted by our team members, bringing together 25 passionate and motivated young individuals committed to building peace in their communities. This immersive experience focused on equipping these emerging leaders with essential skills, knowledge, and values to navigate the challenging landscape of conflict and contribute to the establishment of lasting peace. 


In this blog, we will explore the remarkable journey of these young peace builders as they embarked on a training program in Nangarhar, discovering the transformative power of peacebuilding and leadership.

Creating a Foundation for Peace:

The training program began by establishing a solid foundation for peacebuilding, emphasizing the importance of dialogue, empathy, and understanding in conflict resolution. The participants were encouraged to recognize the interconnectedness of their actions and the potential ripple effects they could have on their communities. By fostering a sense of shared responsibility, the young peace builders developed a deep understanding of the vital role they play in shaping a peaceful future.

Building Skills for Effective Peacebuilding:

With a strong foundation in place, the training delved into developing practical skills essential for effective peacebuilding. Various workshops and interactive sessions were conducted, covering topics such as negotiation techniques, mediation, nonviolent communication, conflict analysis, and restorative justice. Through simulations, case studies, and group discussions, the participants gained invaluable insights into the dynamics of conflict and explored innovative approaches to promote reconciliation and understanding.

Leadership Development:

Recognizing that effective leadership is integral to sustainable peacebuilding, the program dedicated significant attention to leadership development. The young peace builders were encouraged to cultivate their unique leadership styles, focusing on qualities such as integrity, resilience, and ethical decision-making. They learned to inspire others, harness collective efforts, and foster an environment conducive to positive change. Through engaging exercises and mentorship, the participants developed the confidence to assume leadership roles in their communities and become agents of transformation.

Experiential Learning and Fieldwork:

The training program also emphasized the importance of experiential learning and practical application. The participants had the opportunity to engage in fieldwork, working closely with local communities to understand their specific challenges and develop context-specific solutions. This led to a community peace-building dialogue between religious, tribal, and young leaders at Nangarhar University focusing on Girls’ Access to Education. 

This hands-on experience enabled them to apply their newly acquired knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios, further deepening their understanding of peacebuilding principles and their ability to effect change.

Collaboration and Networking:

A key aspect of the training was fostering collaboration and networking among the young peacebuilders. By connecting with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences, they were able to learn from one another, share best practices, and form a support system for their ongoing efforts. The program encouraged the establishment of local peacebuilding networks, enabling the participants to leverage collective knowledge and resources for sustained impact in their respective communities.


The training program in Nangarhar province brought together 25 young peacebuilders including women and men and provided them with the essential tools, skills, and perspectives needed to make a positive difference in their communities. By emphasizing the transformative power of peacebuilding and leadership, the participants developed a deeper understanding of conflict dynamics and discovered innovative approaches to building lasting peace. Equipped with newfound knowledge and strengthened networks, these emerging leaders are now poised to create a brighter future, one founded on peace, understanding, and cooperation. The impact of their efforts will undoubtedly resonate far beyond the borders of Nangarhar province, inspiring others to join the journey towards a more harmonious world.